
Teledyne e2v boosts radio softwarization efforts through its latest microwave data converter developments!

You want to know more our latest microwave data converter developments. This white paper covers some of the key technologies shaping our near future electronic data exchanges.

The past few decades have seen an explosion in both radio technology standards, applications and a plethora of connected devices demanding ever increasing data bandwidth and throughput. Put quite simply, managing a demand curve that is currently growing at in excess of 25 % annually, driven by 4.5 billion internet connected users combined with a burgeoning internet of things (IoT) revolution is a mighty challenge. With a recent turn towards home office working, key communication infrastructure both ground and space based is now, really being put to the test.

Simply put, critical radio frequency spectral space is in short supply and can not be made to scale with the present demands placed upon it. This means that modern communication network planning needs to find smart ways to keep the data flowing. Partitioning and re-using precious RF spectrum for maximum effect. And so, it is, that in the last few years the infrastructure backbones have started to be re-imagined for future readiness.

This short article will consider some of the key technologies shaping our near future electronic data exchanges; soft technology will have the biggest impact, as in software defined radios and networks (SDR/SDNs). Contemporary thinking proposes that best system efficiencies, optimal utilization and dynamic agility result from virtualizing system hardware and ultimately deploying artificial intelligence to orchestrate complex operations. Sounds like science fiction? Not really as this technology is just around the corner.

If you wish to read more, please click on the following link to download our white paper.

Published 2020-05-01
Relevance: Semiconductors Teledyne e2v

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